سيأتي العيد وما زالت قلوبنا مفجوعه برحيلهم
فإجعل اللهم عيدهم في الفردوس الأعلى بقدرتك ورحمتك التي وسعت كل شي
وإرحم من كانوا معنا بالأعياد الماضية ولن يرجعوا ليكونوا معنا
اللهم إغفر لخالتي عائشه ولجميع موتى المسلمين وإشفع لهم وأسكنهم فسيح جناتك
اللهم آمين
وكل عام وأنتم بألف صحة وعافية
September 11, 2010
في ذكرى موتانا و موتى المسلمين
September 2, 2010
Downs of Deep Moments…
Finally I am able to pick my parts together and pull myself to be sitting here and writing again… Looking back I don’t believe how much of ups and downs I went through… this post is really much related to the previous one…
First, let me tell you… When I posted "Are you ready?" My mum's older sister was on bed straggling with her illness and by 1st April 2010 we tragedy lost her… I got the news over the phone can't forget the moment, it was 10am and I was with mum at the hospital as she was hospitalized and operated on the previous day. She was still under 48 hrs observation.
Could you get it, could you get the pressure… I had to hide the news from mum, handle the tragedy and yet act normal and make sure all do not tell her.. She was more than a sister to mum.. She was a mother to her… and she was as a second mother to me as well… She was just amazing … Allah yer7amha we yagamed ro7ha el gana inshallah..
I don’t remember crying… On the same afternoon, she was moved to her private room, doctors advised not to be told as her pressure was not yet stable… On the next day night her brother and sister came to tell her… we were four in the room and my heart start fasting… I could even hear the bits… I could not imagine how she could take the news…
Alhamdullah, she was strong and my uncle did his assignment in the best level anyone could do.
I am sorry.. I must stop by now, hope will come back soon to complete the downs I went through… Miss you my readers, hope you are still there and I am still remembered…