October 24, 2009

Sexy to me..

Once open a time, while sitting in a café… I see a good looking man sitting just across the other side… he was not that good but I found him sexy … he looked smart in his outfit but most of all was the fact he had a little kid sitting next to him and no one else … the kid was around three, can’t be certain it was his son, but sure he was taking a good care of him…

He sat asking him if the meal, drink was good for him … he holds the drink for him; I could feel the kid was his world to him at that moment… I could feel from his eyes how much he cared …. And that was Sooooooooooooooooooo Sexy to see …

Rather then seeing a kid spending the time with food alone or if lucky with the maid and parent specially further will be busy reading a newspaper, mobile or staring at all PEOPLE not only women in the mall ;)…

Then later that day … I realized, they are many things which could make a man sexy to me 6ab3an addition to the physical attraction such as …

Cooking, oh that is sooooo wow… It’s certainly a plus point for all of you out there who might plan to make a move ;) …. Hehehehe

Football, ok this might sound a little weird, though I am not a fun of football, but I feel it’s something must come or included in men’s agenda… yea
I can’t understand or let say I feel there is something wrong when a guy turned to be not interested in football at all.

Now you tell me girls … whats sexy for you?

October 17, 2009



While sitting on my side table, relaxing with the view people working around the mall and being able to have a long breath after many long of busy months preparing of my aunt weeding which took place last night…

Finally I got the chance to go out just to relax and not to have to do something related to the weeding or bride…

The weeding was amazing, everything almost went as planned… the bride shined out with her white dress and creative vale … and more important I looked fabulous with the declaration of everyone … People who I never talked to came to me liking my dress, people I don’t know said hi to me … is that the affect of looking good?! … some moment I thought I was a celebrity, especially when all my guys cozon asked to take pictures with me… wow it felt soooo nice … ;)

And after not having any meal since last night's small plate of salad, I had to have a meal or otherwise I was too faint soon… So had my small meal with hot caramel at the café while mum enjoying looking around into furniture shops with her cozon…

Suddenly, I see two guys holding each other's hands, I hate guys doing that it looked so shit and sick… and could not stopped looking at them with my weird look on the face… I hate it and I just can't understand it … and if one is gay I could not tell which one?! ;)

As much I felt sick, could not finish my meal anymore, grabbed my phone and took my handbag heading away…

October 8, 2009

Its Time…

8 fingerprints

Yea, I guess it's time ... I have not been posting since ever...

And I think it's time to do many of things... It's time to have new look, it's time to change my style and actually I have already started, then I am going for a good shopping once i get my salary....

It's time to open a new page, forget well I never was able to forget ... the harder i try the harder it becomes... so from now I'll just ignore ... yes ignore the paining past... ignoring will slowly make them disappear in my memory at one point ...

It's time to look into me and see the inside, the way I always do to see the achievements, the goodness inside me as well the weaknesses or let say (HR Language) areas of improvements inside me … I have been able to control my temper a lot and have done massive improvement in that … My writing skills becomes better and better every day … Since Ramathan, I have not missed any payer Alhamdulillah, I became very conscious about my prayer and feel so guilty only when I get late… I plan my day my moves according to prayer time which helped me lots Alhamdulillah… Inshallah will continue…

It's time to have clear goals, put them down and keep them hanged somewhere in my room, a place where I can see them every day when I first open my eyes… So I remember my goals every day … and work toward them every day… Make plan, draw targets and work the plan…

I stopped practicing any of my hobbies, no reading, no 5aa6, no makeup… I feel life became all white and needs colors… It's time to go back to that…

Now let me go put all this thoughts together …. And maybe that will be my next post …
