October 24, 2009

Sexy to me..

Once open a time, while sitting in a café… I see a good looking man sitting just across the other side… he was not that good but I found him sexy … he looked smart in his outfit but most of all was the fact he had a little kid sitting next to him and no one else … the kid was around three, can’t be certain it was his son, but sure he was taking a good care of him…

He sat asking him if the meal, drink was good for him … he holds the drink for him; I could feel the kid was his world to him at that moment… I could feel from his eyes how much he cared …. And that was Sooooooooooooooooooo Sexy to see …

Rather then seeing a kid spending the time with food alone or if lucky with the maid and parent specially further will be busy reading a newspaper, mobile or staring at all PEOPLE not only women in the mall ;)…

Then later that day … I realized, they are many things which could make a man sexy to me 6ab3an addition to the physical attraction such as …

Cooking, oh that is sooooo wow… It’s certainly a plus point for all of you out there who might plan to make a move ;) …. Hehehehe

Football, ok this might sound a little weird, though I am not a fun of football, but I feel it’s something must come or included in men’s agenda… yea
I can’t understand or let say I feel there is something wrong when a guy turned to be not interested in football at all.

Now you tell me girls … whats sexy for you?


  1. to me when a man does a splet i find it sexy (martial Art)
    takes care of his kids plays with them its nice.
    a bit ba6ran is also sexy

  2. The way he treats others makes a big difference and sums it all up

  3. Did he looks like jonny depp?? :-O :-O

  4. Mean B: loool ba6ran 3ad, hathi qawiya ;)

    Candy: loooool ... NO, but I am his all time fan..

  5. light moustache and a beard :O
    and i think it’s depends on the guy himself!

  6. well what u said about that dude was sexy too.
    when a man is confident is sexy bs mo over over confident!
    sweet and dama 5afeef is sexy , shwaiy pervy is sexy:P

  7. what you and every girl who commented said plus optimism :) ... Can't take a complainer... no sirree :))

    Oh.. and that guy sounds very sexy, indeed :)

  8. Cooking i enjoy it more while i m cooking with him for me it was the best experience ever and to say the truth yeah i saw him soooo sexy in my small kitchen standing with his big figure and muscles *shy*
    Plus seeing him busy in his laptop or whatever where i can have more time to watch all his face details makes him more sexy too
