December 26, 2009

A Visit to Stand Alone~

Now I go to visit STANDY… and what I see is … no wait wait I better show it to you… ;) see below…


I cant believe it, is thaaaaat much she is obsessed of her identity …. Loooool ;)


But the great part is I get to eat the Bahraini Cup Cakes by Nosa… Hmmmmmmmm the were amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing … I want I want more ;)

i ate

I ate the above two, 6ab3an she had to SHARE it with me …. Next time  i will order them and will hide it from you Standy ;)  …

Tks for the treat anyway ;)

December 20, 2009

Desperate Housewives


Desperately wana watch Desperate Housewives.. People fancy food I fancy series …







I wana watch all of them now now … anyone could help?      

December 14, 2009

Driving to Matrah

    Now I am driving to Matrah, driving to Matrah for readers who are not Omani is a trip with special needs… You have to be free and no other commitment; you have to be ready to have a long work before even reaching the market. And most of all, its way far from where I live so you should have company…

    6ab3an that should be in normal circumstance but I had to go before my trip to Thailand, I did not have company as I wanted to go very early evening avoiding all the traffic (and mum was out of Oman), addition to that I have to meet someone after that…

    I take the ergo and make my move just after work (not to mention I don’t even know the roads very well)… ;)

    I make my way, approaching the market, and thinking should I take the way heading to parking close by the market which seems impossible with all the cars are in the way or should I drive ahead way far to park, but then I tell myself maybe I'll be the lucky one today… let me take my chances…

    I drive slowly with the flow of traffic, looking around hoping to capture someone who is approaching to leave… I get closer and closer to the market and no hope, telling myself ill be doing the normal long walk again… Suddenly the car in front of me stopped indicating to park and I was waiting for him to park… While waiting I noticed three empty parking on the left side, with two handicapped stand… And I get confused are two of them for handicapped or all three…

    Then I said ill park the third one, since there's two stand then the third parking it's for anyone and no one noticed… got excited it the close parking ever to the market… and yea I am the lucky one today… but I noticed I boy standing on the parking spot…

    After I indicate wanting to park my car… this conversation happened:

    Me: Pointing with hands, I need to park my car

    Boy: No, No this parking is reserved

    Me: WHAT? (opening the car window with all the weird expressions on my face) What do you mean reserved?

    Boy: Yea, I am standing reserving this parking for my family behind the line

    Me: Do you mean behind my car?!? There no such thing reserving a public parking, if that is the case everyone would of done the same…

    Boy: 5alti, respect me standing here… and you are causing traffic behind you…

    Me: You should respect the public rules, who ever get empty parking takes it WITH THEIR CARS, not by reserving for a car which is a mail away… now let me park because you are making me hold the way…

    "6ab3an by this time, everyone is getting annoyed behind me and bib bib bib nonstop"

    Suddenly a man got himself involved with the conversation (which later I knew he was the driver of the car behind me)…

    Man: Boy, listen we all want parking and been looking for such long time so just let the lady park her car.

    Boy: No, let her look for another one, we have been driving for more than one hr in this area.

    Man: We all do, so just keep looking (in very polite way)

    Boy: (Shouting) No way, why don’t she keep looking I have been standing, now I will just stand here what will you all do

    Me: I will keep waiting here till you move

    Man: Hey Boy, this is not a civil way of act. (Then facing me) call the police leady, here there is one policeman.

    Me: Looking to my right where the police station was, and yea I see a policeman standing outside.

    Boy: Ok Ok will see will see (with the face of threaten moving away) …

    At last I got to park my car and let the traffic get moving but I was really scared, specially with the fact I was a lone and in a neighborhood which I am not familiar with… Once I stopped the car, my heart start beating very fast, for a moment I thought of moving my car and start the journey of searching again, then I said he could not be able to do anything to the car (as it was crowded place and next to a police station)…

    Pulled myself into one piece and took the ergo to step out of the car…

    In the Bullet Point:

    1. The conversation was a bit longer but could not remember the rest.

    2. The boy was way rude talking to me.

    3. I would have let him park the car if he was not rude and me having to meet someone after that.

    4. What would you do in my place?

أمطار الخير في حديقة منزلنا

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December 7, 2009

Late Update… Back Home

I am so late updating my blog….

But here I am …. Back to Muscat, home, my room, work and most important my bed…. After my sleep, the first meal was leftovers of eid … 3arseeya and showa… hmmmm that the only thing I missed about eid…

And Guess What …. For the first time, on my way back to muscat I got the chance to visit the captain cabinet which I dare you I dare you to be able to do it after September 11 …. ;) Looooool that was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun….


Now back to my trip, Thailand was good and better this time… I guess because of the company I had, my uncle, mother, and aunty with her son and daughter… the earlier two trips I totally did not like much of Thailand and was not planning to go back again… but you never know what god plans for you… And I must admit, Thailand people are soo nice and kind…

This time, Bangkok was very hot and dry, no rains (alhamdullah)… All what I ate was fruits fruits and fruits ;)… not to forget the beryani my mum cooked for eid's lunch….

I am so happy that my aunty is getting better and better by her treatment over there and hopefully she will be coming back home soon inshallah…

I guess this all about it … nothing much to say other than it was nice short break….

November 29, 2009

El3eed Thailandi...

El3eed Thailandi this time...
Fainally, I got the chance to spend the eid away... I guess I dont like eid, yea i don't...

On My Way to Thailand...
Wish me great holiday... Later...

November 19, 2009

The Guys' Rules

Wow… this was email sent to my hotmail… But I could not hold myself then sharing it with you…

male teacher

At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down. Finally, the guys' side of the story. (I must admit, it's pretty good). We always hear "the rules" from the female point of view... Now here are the rules from the male side. These are our rules!

1. Men ARE NOT mind readers.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!
1. Yes and No are perfectly Acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only If you want help solving it. That's what we do.
Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days.
1. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.
1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both.
If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will Be scratched. We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear Is fine...Really.
1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as football.
1. You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!
1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;
But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.

Please note... these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!

November 9, 2009

Nothing Else…


Laptop on my left,

A Cup of Tea and Bread on my right,

TV is on in front of me,

Pillows all around me,

All in bed,

Sleeping, Sleeping and Sleeping,

Then Laptop, tea, TV, Mobile….

And thats all I have been doing for the past 36 hrs…

October 24, 2009

Sexy to me..

Once open a time, while sitting in a café… I see a good looking man sitting just across the other side… he was not that good but I found him sexy … he looked smart in his outfit but most of all was the fact he had a little kid sitting next to him and no one else … the kid was around three, can’t be certain it was his son, but sure he was taking a good care of him…

He sat asking him if the meal, drink was good for him … he holds the drink for him; I could feel the kid was his world to him at that moment… I could feel from his eyes how much he cared …. And that was Sooooooooooooooooooo Sexy to see …

Rather then seeing a kid spending the time with food alone or if lucky with the maid and parent specially further will be busy reading a newspaper, mobile or staring at all PEOPLE not only women in the mall ;)…

Then later that day … I realized, they are many things which could make a man sexy to me 6ab3an addition to the physical attraction such as …

Cooking, oh that is sooooo wow… It’s certainly a plus point for all of you out there who might plan to make a move ;) …. Hehehehe

Football, ok this might sound a little weird, though I am not a fun of football, but I feel it’s something must come or included in men’s agenda… yea
I can’t understand or let say I feel there is something wrong when a guy turned to be not interested in football at all.

Now you tell me girls … whats sexy for you?

October 17, 2009



While sitting on my side table, relaxing with the view people working around the mall and being able to have a long breath after many long of busy months preparing of my aunt weeding which took place last night…

Finally I got the chance to go out just to relax and not to have to do something related to the weeding or bride…

The weeding was amazing, everything almost went as planned… the bride shined out with her white dress and creative vale … and more important I looked fabulous with the declaration of everyone … People who I never talked to came to me liking my dress, people I don’t know said hi to me … is that the affect of looking good?! … some moment I thought I was a celebrity, especially when all my guys cozon asked to take pictures with me… wow it felt soooo nice … ;)

And after not having any meal since last night's small plate of salad, I had to have a meal or otherwise I was too faint soon… So had my small meal with hot caramel at the café while mum enjoying looking around into furniture shops with her cozon…

Suddenly, I see two guys holding each other's hands, I hate guys doing that it looked so shit and sick… and could not stopped looking at them with my weird look on the face… I hate it and I just can't understand it … and if one is gay I could not tell which one?! ;)

As much I felt sick, could not finish my meal anymore, grabbed my phone and took my handbag heading away…

October 8, 2009

Its Time…

8 fingerprints

Yea, I guess it's time ... I have not been posting since ever...

And I think it's time to do many of things... It's time to have new look, it's time to change my style and actually I have already started, then I am going for a good shopping once i get my salary....

It's time to open a new page, forget well I never was able to forget ... the harder i try the harder it becomes... so from now I'll just ignore ... yes ignore the paining past... ignoring will slowly make them disappear in my memory at one point ...

It's time to look into me and see the inside, the way I always do to see the achievements, the goodness inside me as well the weaknesses or let say (HR Language) areas of improvements inside me … I have been able to control my temper a lot and have done massive improvement in that … My writing skills becomes better and better every day … Since Ramathan, I have not missed any payer Alhamdulillah, I became very conscious about my prayer and feel so guilty only when I get late… I plan my day my moves according to prayer time which helped me lots Alhamdulillah… Inshallah will continue…

It's time to have clear goals, put them down and keep them hanged somewhere in my room, a place where I can see them every day when I first open my eyes… So I remember my goals every day … and work toward them every day… Make plan, draw targets and work the plan…

I stopped practicing any of my hobbies, no reading, no 5aa6, no makeup… I feel life became all white and needs colors… It's time to go back to that…

Now let me go put all this thoughts together …. And maybe that will be my next post …


September 25, 2009

To Mum…


Happy Happy Birthday Mum….

Today is my mother’s 50 Birthday…

You don't even look like yet mum… ;)

Wish you more 50 years to come, while all your dreams come true while enjoying good health…

Inshallah te3eshi we tefra7i fini we teshofi awladi we awladhom inshallah…

I am speechless, but I can only Say … I love you MUM… xoxoxo


August 22, 2009

Ramadan Kareem from the USA President Obama


Ramadan Kareem to all Muslims around the world…

Amazing Right?!

August 14, 2009

Oman Air to London…

Now this is my first time to fly by Oman Air, well actually it's my second but my first trip was a very short one to Abuthabi… It was like getting into a bus and fly… loool

To be honest I was a bit scared, not of flying but of airline itself… I don’t know why but maybe because I feel they are still considered a new airline and with no experience…

BUT, I must say I was impressed … the trip as whole was a good experience… Take off is my best moment in each flight… and it was cool…

Food, hmmmm I did not really like my pasta but mum enjoyed her rice … SO I will give the food five out of ten, they need improvement…

Now, will leave you with some of pictures I took through my window…

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Blow find the London Eye and Big Ben… ;P


Now, I always wonder… Which Language is Lavatory?! and if this is Arabic airline why its not in Arabic or English? … hmmm No Clue!!!


Will have to take off now, I am dead tired … Night Night

August 13, 2009

Europe Here I come …..

Yes I am heading to UK and Norway….

Wish me a safe trip…

I'll do my maximum level to post each moment I enjoy…
See Yea …

August 9, 2009

Red, White and Silver..

In a romantic night celebrating their fourth winter, summer, spring YEAR of their marriage…

She decides to surprise her husband…

When the day arrives, everyone knows except him…

Earlier that day, she sends the kids to her mum, in the evening she tells him I am going for a coffee with my friend … But actually she goes to the hotel…

At 7:00 PM

"A ring tone" new message: You are invited for a dinner tonight at eight, not before not after. Once you arrive at the lobby ask for my name and they will show you the way, once you arrive to me give the man a good change…

At 8:00 PM

She lights up the candles…


When He arrives, he parked the car and worked in the hotel… on the way he sees her friend… but she totally ignored him… and he ignored back…

At the lobby, he picks his phone and called her…

HE: 7ayati, Where are you?

SHE: Didn’t you ask my name?

HE: No, you just tell me where you are.

SHE: You can't know, they must show you.

HE: Ok I will ask them.

Then he asked for her, "oh yea… you are her husband, plz follow me"… They worked toward the end of the lobby, they went through the door which took them outside… then turned left… after a slightly long walk, suddenly he stops "the next door in your right, here is the keys" the hotel man says… "You are not coming there? "The husband asks… "No Sir"… "Thanks very much" the husband says while giving him good cash…

With a head full of questions, after he imagines that she will be waiting in a restaurant… slowly he takes the steps toward the room… he stands not finding any bell, puts the keys and opens the door…

He steps in and slowly closed the door; he gets into a small area before the bed room, first he noticed two beautiful candles leading towards the room… he rise his eyes seeing his wife in a very sexy classy dress, a mini dress of black and white lines… sleeveless with a red rose on the side… very light makeup with a black eyeliner, eyelash and red lipstick… Her hair nicely down with a red rose on one side …

A video camera somewhere behind her was recording his interesting entrance… "WoW" was the first words came out from him…

The room was only lighted with candles which were encircled with roses… Addition roses on the white five star bed in the right side of the room… On the left side a sitting area, where they sat and had their delicious anniversary cake…

Later on, they had their romantic dinner in the restaurant… after that you can fulfill the ending… ;P


P.S Based on a true story

P.S.S I am the ignoring friendy ;P

July 31, 2009



I cant I cant I cant Believe the scale…

I gain I gain I gain…

Stop Stop Stop…

No Candy, No Sweets, No Cakes…

No Sugar what's so ever…

Help Help Help…

Diet Diet Diet…

No Clothes could fit me…

I have been wearing 3abaya at work for the past two weeks…

Hiding all the extra weight, Big Faima(tummy) and my two tummy below my back… ;P

I seriously Need to lose… even before I travel, which is after two weeks…





Now Tell me, who keeps this amount of ATM receipt in the wallet, some of them were more than six month old ….

I just cant get rid of them, at the same time i never needed them again or refer back to them!!!… 

July 27, 2009

The Celebration…

Oh My God … I had fun fun fun fun to the MAX… Yes I did …

Thanks to all of you who came to my birthday, I was honored with your present…

First I would like to have special thanks for those who helped me with the plan, organizing and delivery… Sam, Nuna, Najat and Standy… Love you ALL

From the 50 people who were in my invitation list, only 30 confirmed and hardly 20 came, it was so disappointing when they apologies of not being able to come, especially when they make it in the last moments, I received this apologies two, one day before and even the same day of celebration … Could it be worse? Not to mention the people who did not bother replying to my invitation, How Rude?

Anyhow let's move on, the important thing, I am glad with the few people who came they made the day, and me and them really had fun…

6ab3an you all know the dress code was PJs, SO the character of the theme was Bananas in Pyjamas …. Below is my Birthday Cake…


6ab3an me being sooooooo busy, forgot to take pictures of the buffet when it was done , but I could share the menu with all of you… Check Below;


1. Cheese (deferent types)

2. Olives

3. Breads (deferent types)

4. Jam (deferent types)

5. Nutala

6. Cer’ap: chocolate, strawberry

7. Chocolate fountain, fresh strawberry, mishmelos

8. Cornflex


1. Mini Chicken Sausage

2. Scrambled Egg

3. Baked Meat

4. Red Beans

5. Mini Omelet

6. Potatoes

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*Cup Cakes was one of a kind .... hmmmmmmmmmmm


1. Pan cakes

2. Waffles

3. Fruits

4. French toast


1. Birthday Cake

2. Cup Cakes

3. Cheese Cake

4. Dates Cake

*HogooooooooooooM ;P


And off course, the fun part was when we played games… 6ab3an gifts were to fit the theme, for example I got them sleeping eye folder, slippers and pillows…


Finally, the thanks return gifts… Check out below, it’s a mouse pad (6ab3an my design ;P)


*After everyone left ;P


Many Many Many Many Many Thanks Again to all of you who came…

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