March 30, 2009

A Guest to Remember.. 1

Last weekend, my mum asked me to cancel all my plans, as we are expected a guest who lives out of Oman, to be honest i got a little upset, not because i don't like guest … bel3aks… if i have the chance i will entertain everyday… But the problem when mum loose it … she becomes someone else when she has guests….

Mum gets worried, what to be cooked?, hoe much? Will she likes it or not? atc atc ….. not to mention she want things “everything” to be done in certain way “the perfect way” … imagine even the plats has to be put in certain way…. do all you mums are like that?

Addition to that, the house must be extra spotless “remember we don't have a maid right now” … so all her tension and ups and downs fall on me … Who else?!

Well it's never endless list till the guests come and leave… Now imagine this guest is coming for two days …

TO BE continuing

How Passionate Are You?

One of the many crazy online tests i like to take ... this one about (How Passionate Are You?)

And below is the result... I wonder if it's true ... but it's interesting ... check it out :P

"You're Passion Type

You mix passion with pragmatism

Key Traits: open, sensitive, balanced, empathetic, loyal, thoughtful Introspective and self-aware, you have a solid grip on your emotions. Your friends and family consider you "the rock" they can turn to and lean on during tough times. Part of that trust comes from the fact that you always try your best to say what you mean and mean what you say. This is part of your healthy outlook on life, love and work. Hard work is important, but remember to listen to your instinct when it tells you to take a step back and enjoy the quiet moments. There are certain things that you will always be passionate about, whether it's a certain cuisine, a type of music, or a particular sport. On the flipside, there are also things that will never interest you. But that's OK. Your romantic partner appreciates your unwavering sensibility, your balanced temperament, and consistent signs of love and care. "

March 27, 2009

ابسط الأشياء أكثرها سعادة

ابسط الأشياء أكثرها سعادة
قد تحتار ماذا تقرأ من بين الكثير من الكتب التي لا تشتهي أن تتناولها الآن أو قد تنضب خياراتك في البحث عن شيء لا تعرف أسمه ولكنه سيكون مريح لك لو فعلته لذا أقرأ بيتين من الشعر ستجد بالتأكيد ذلك الشعور الذي كنت تبحث عنه ولا تعرف أسمه !
إن من البيان لسحرا ، فبعض الكلمات تختزن في حروفها سحر لا يجعلك تشعر بإنسانيتك فقط بل وتشعر بأنك ملاك وكل من حولك كذلك وربما أجمل من ذلك .
فقط جرب وأقرأ القليل منه ..
ومن أجمل الأبيات التي لا انفض من ترديدها هي كلمات أبو فراس الحمداني عندما قال :
فليتك تحلو والحياة مريرةٌ
وليتك ترضى والأنام غضابُ
وليت الذي بيني وبينك عامرُ
وبيني وبين العالمين خرابُ
إذا صح الود منك فالكل هينُ
وكل الذي فوق التراب ترابُ
أما البيت الشعري الذي لا مناص لأحد إلا وقد شعر فيه فهو ما قاله امرئ ألقيس
أمر على الديار ديار ليلى
أقبل ذا الجدار وذا الجدار
وما حب الديار شغفن قلبي
ولكن حب من سكن الديار
يبدو وكأنه النشيد الوطني للإنسانية بأسرها !
ويقال أن أكثر الأبيات في الشعر العربي رومانسية هي كلمات عنترة عندما قال
ولقد ذكرتك والرماح نواهلُ
مني وبيض الهند تقطر من دمِ
فوددت تقبيل السيوف لأنها
لمعت كبارق ثغرك المبتسمِ
أما البيت الذي يقال أنه من عبقرية الشعر بأجملها هو بيت نزار قباني حين قال :
الحب على هذه الأرض
هو بعض من تخيلنا
لو لم يكن عليها لخترعناه !
الصدق خلف هذه الأبيات جعلها تعيش وتحفظ وكلما تسمع لا تنفك إلا أن تتنهد ! وتظل القصائد أجمل من ورود الصباح وأجمل من كل الهدايا على شرط أن تجد من يفهمها !

March 24, 2009

The VERY long TaG from Standy…

1. Last beverage: Vitamin C (one of my fav drinks)

2. Last phone call: From my friend and coworker Bouquet Designer (BD)

3. Last instant message: I text my friend (BD)

4. Last song you listened to: Miami "enti oumi"

5. Last time you cried : hmmm … Last week

6. Last text message : from my best friend (SAM), asking me to add our mutual friend of FB..

12. RED

13. Brown

14. Pink

15. Made a new friend : hmm No

16. Fallen out of love : Nop

17. Laughed until you cried : Yes, last weekend when "after long time" I meet my shella !!

18. Met someone who changed your life: Nop

19. Found out who your true friends were : Hmmm … not this month

20. Found out someone was talking about you : In my office "all the time" L

21. Have you kissed anyone on your Facebook friends list: LOL … Nop

22. How many people on your Facebook friends list do you know in real life: I didn't really know seven out of 34 friends in total …. SO You do the math ;P

23. How many kids do you want to have: Hmmm … elle allah ya36ini … aham shay a reasonable gap between them … but I guess 4 are enough ;P

24. Do you have any pets: Nope

25. Do you want to change your name: hmm … when I was a kid, don’t care anymore ;)

26. What did you get for your last birthday: hmm… oh yea .. at that time I was just back from 3omra, my friends made fun of me and got me fulla el mut7agebah … hehe yea this are my friends.. :D

27. What time did you wake up today : 6:00am

28. What were you doing at midnight last night: I stopped reading just on exact 12 midnight and slept…

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Travel with my crazy best friends…

30. Last time you saw your father: 25 years ago, which I don’t remember...

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Have brothers and sisters…

32. What are you listening to right now: Oprah's show …

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Not that i can remember..

34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now: LOL!! no one

35. Most visited webpage: ;P

36: what’s your real name: do u think ill answer that..

37. Nicknames : queen

38. Status: Single

39. Zodiac sign: Leo

40. Male or female: Female

44. University: Luton University

45. Hair color : Currently, Red head ;)

46. Long or short : In between…

47. Are you a health freak: Hmmm, do you think do!?!

48. Height: Never knew my height … but I guess around 160

49. Do you have a crush on someone: Heheh … my Doc ;P

50: What do you like about yourself: hmmm, I only have the opposite list :D

51. What don’t you like about yourself: being sensitive…

52. Righty or lefty: Right…

53. First surgery: None

54. First piercing: Ears

55. Your first best friend: hmm.. Nasra

56. First award: i don’t remember i ever got one!

57. First sport you joined : Not sporty

58. First pet: Not into pets …

59. First vacation: The one will call vacation … Jordan

60. First concert: Miami Band..

61. First crush: LOOOOL … cant recall ;)

62. Eating : Nothing

63. Drinking: Again nothing

64. I’m about to: Go to BED… sooooooooooo sleepy

65. Listening to: TV on the background…

66. Waiting for: finish this post.. and sleeeeeeeeeep

67. Want kids: sure, inshallah…

68. Want to get married : why not!

69. Careers in mind: Self employed…

70. Lips or eyes: Lips

71. Hugs or kisses: Hugs

72. Romantic or spontaneous: Both...

73. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both… ;)

74. Sensitive or loud: Wala wa7id…

75. Hook-up or relationship: Both are interesting…

76. Trouble maker or hesitant: Never trouble maker…

77. Lefty or Righty: Doesn't matter…

78. Shorter or taller: Hell Taller…

79. Older or Younger: Preferable Older…

80. Lost glasses/contacts: Hmmm, don’t think so…

81. Ran away from home: LooL.. not yet ;P

82. Kissed a stranger: Nope

83. Drank Pepsi: Are you serious… DUH!

84. Broken someone’s heart: Well, I don’t think so…

85. Been arrested : GoooD… Not that naughty

86. Turned someone down: Maybe

87. Cried when someone died : Indeed, even if I didn’t know them…

88. Liked a guy/girl friend?: yes

89. Yourself: Yes

90. Miracles: Yes

91. Love at first sight: Nope

92. Heaven : Yes

93. Santa Claus: DAH!!

94. Kiss on the first date : No

95. Angels : Yes

96. Are you happy with your life: al7amdulliah.. allahuma la e3tira'9

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: My loved once…

98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time: LoooL.. No

99. Do you believe in God : Yes

100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Sure =)

ok that was a VERY long tag..
Before I fall asleep.. i tag everyone who did not do it … You and yea you :P

March 22, 2009

I Miss you

I never meet you..

I never knew you..

I only got to know your face from old pictures..

I heard a lot..

I was told how humble person you were..

I could see the shine and tears in each and everyone’s eyes when they know who i am to you..

I hear the same story .. same description again and again about you..

I was so young..

So young when you were around..

So young when you carried me..

So young when you played with me..

So young when i last took a picture with you..

So young when you left..

I wonder..

How come i miss you this much..

How my life would be deferent if you were around..

How much you will be proud of me if you were around..

How you would give me lessens in life..

How you would make me ready to face this life..

I wish..

I wish you shared the moments i celebrate my birthdays each year..

I wish you gave me that big hug on my graduation day..

I wish you comfort me when my heart got broken..

I wish you if i can spend one more day with you..

I wish if I knew you as much as all this strangers who knew you..

I wish if i can call you one time … DAD



Alla yer7amak ya aboi…

Alla ye’3ferlak thonobak..

Alla yeg3alak men ahl el gana.. Ya rab..


March 20, 2009

Reading Reading Reading ...

Very interesting, i cant stop i mean put the book on hold ;P... will catch up once i finish... I have many post (thoughts) just on waiting ...


Ohhh, by the way ... Did any one read this book? ...

March 13, 2009

UnLucky Me...

Hey… I don’t know should I be happy or not … Today I went to ZARA … mum just wanted to spend the whole day out … after lunch we had some window shopping … one of our many stops was ZARA … sure we all know this store … and when I just step in … my eyes came across a black shoes … GUESS HOW DO THEY LOOK "see below"


Yea BLACK, comfy height, the same velvet strips which I want … Its just my style ... And indeed they looked sexy on my feet :D

I put them on my feet, and show mum … she went "wooow" … at that point in my mind: YES that means she liked them and she can buy them for me ;P …

Then Mum said: but they are big! … and then I released yes they are … I asked for help…

ME: can I get this in 39, this are 40

HE: "weird expression on his face" well I don’t think so … he looked below … then said": ill try look in the store …

A few min later: sorry mum this are only the last two, 36 and 40 …

DAM after all excitement, after all that looking and searching of something similar for years… finally I got it … But ya 5a9ara … No my Size :(

P.S To those who are lost, read my previous post.

Sorry for the bad picture, it was packed ;P

Good Bye My Shoe ....

Heyyyy... I miss being here ... i was off line for some time and its seems forever ...


Ok back to my shoe .. Yea my shoe .. usually i dont give away my things easy, i am so royal "as they say" .. and here is my all time favorite shoe ever .. its my shoe for all time .. Office, Shopping any thing any time you name it .. this is a special shoe .. the most comfy one ... its my all time favorite ...  and its just BLACK ..

Mum got tired from it .. she started yelling .. 5ala9 5ala9 hareety el na3al ... baas baas ... and i could not let it go ... then i start looking for even something similar ... but no chance :( ...

You know what make them my fav. wait let me remember how i got them, well yea .. I bought them in a great sale .. it was in UK new look .. where i had to get something not boots or trainers for my trip back home ... I got them for about seven pounds .. yea just seven and they stay with me for seven years "wow ... What a great DEAL ... hehehehe " ...

Sometimes it just happened that you get one thing and its just perfect ... yea just fit ... exact style ... and dont mention suitable to every occasion ... that's how my new look black shoe was to me ...

Seven years ... its a life time ... imagine how many days I spend wearing this shoe, the place i traveled on them ... Yea Yea ... I know by this time you think i am nuts ... But its just not easy to give them away ... But what else should i do?, i guess no matter how long ... things change towards the end ... like my show as i cant wear them anymore ... 

SEE ... how just lovely they look in my feet ...  its just my style ...


Good Bye my shoe... It was my honor to dedicate this post to you for all good time you took care of me ... and you never let me down ... LoVe YoU ... 


March 3, 2009

Tagged by Stand-Alone~

Put a picture of any grumpy person..
Mention 3 things that are just abnormal:
1. Wearing short sleeves with scarf (7ejab) …That it's just abnormal to me …

2. I love eating chocolate with salted crisp specially ships Oman ;P … Its abnormal to others …

3. And of course and for sure GAY ppl… I don’t, can't and will never except this pp …

Mention 2 things that irritate you:
1. Eating with the mouth open.

2. Touching my body.

Mention 1 thing that trigger to your anger:
1.Being ready to go and then kept waiting and waiting and waiting..

Mention 3 people you can't live without:
1. My Mother…
2. My Friends…
3. My Loved ones…

Mention 2 of people you don't want to see:
Ill avoid the name part …

1. X coworker … (She)
2. One far relative … (He)

Mention 1 of your favorite foods:
1. Fresh and hot French fries … will have them any time anywhere ;P

Mention 3 of your favorite songs:

(i have many favorite songs, but will list down my all time favorite singers which I like mostly)
1. Majda al Roomi
2. Miami…
3.3abdul Majeed 3abdullah…

March 2, 2009

My Proud Identity... :D

10 Posts ... Ohhhh i am very excited ... I feel so proud of myself ... i never though that i will be able to include myself in anything to do with writing ... i am IT graduate i hardly did any assay assignment or produced reports ...

But i guess its all from you bloggers ... inspired me to the max ... hehehehe ...

OK, since i am still 10 posts old, and new to the blogging world ... i have a question to all ...

I have being reading all your post some are new and most are old ... i go through very old posts sometimes... and i just feel in touch with them ... and here i come want to comment, then i stop ... ask my self, this posts are very old, could they still see my comments? hmmm ... "thinking for a bit" then change my mind ... *sad FACE* ... then my face become the long one ;)...

Now, can you advice me ... how it works? Can I or Cant ?! ... Is there a time frame for that? ;) ... hehehe I know, i might sound stupid ... but really i want to know ... ;)

Back to work...

After long break, i am back ... Today is my third day and still ... cant take my body off bed ... and i am just in a relaxing mood ...

Cant be active like how i used to be ... i try my best ... I need something to motivate me big time ... specially that we are facing one hell project coming up ... they were just waiting for me ... daaam why they didn't do it during my long leave? ... I HATE THEM